
16th July 2024 Special General Meeting 

Victoria Police Legacy Scheme Incorporated 

 Advice to Members – proposed changes to VPL Rules – VPL Constitution 

The Board of Victoria Police Legacy Scheme Incorporated (the association) wishes to advise members that at a Special General Meeting to be held on Tuesday the 16th July 2024 at 3 p.m. at the Victoria Police Legacy Office, Suites 4A & 4 B, 303-313 Burwood Highway, Burwood East, on three proposed changes to the Constitution.  Members of the Association wishing to attend the Special General Meeting can do so in person or via Microsoft Teams by contacting the Secretary/ Chief Executive Officer, via email, and request a meeting invitation.       Enquiries can be directed to: Chief Executive Officer Lex de Man AFSM, ph.: - 9663 4280 email: -
Click here for full meeting details.

Attachment A - click here

Attachment B - Click here

Proxy Voting Form - click here

Our Constitution

Click here to read a full copy of our Constitution

Our Annual Report 2023

Click here to read the 2023 Annual Report for Victoria Police Legacy

Our Strategic Plan

Our Strategic Plan 2021-2026 presents our vision and areas of focus for the next five years. It confirms our not-for-profit purpose. This is to connect and support Victoria Police Legacy families. It also defines the priorities and actions that will help us continue to make a positive difference for Victoria Police Legacy families into the future. This document will guide our directions over the coming years, helping to further strengthen our organisation and enabling us to build on our success. We will monitor and report annually on our progress against the vision and priorities outlined in this Strategic Plan. Click here to view our plan.

Child Safe Organisation

VPL is a child safe organisation certified by the Australian Childhood Foundation. This means that we are committed to safeguarding children and young people from abuse and neglect. Our Safeguarding Children Policies are:-

Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy
Safeguarding Children - Responding to Reports and Allegations Policy