Victoria Police Legacy Scheme Incorporated
Advice to Members – Notice of Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 18th October 2022
The Annual General Meeting of Victoria Police Legacy Scheme Incorporated will be conducted on Tuesday the 18th of October 2022 commencing at 3 p.m. at & from the Victoria Police Legacy Office, suite 4A & 4B, 303 Burwood Highway, Burwood East.
The business of the meeting will be: -
In accordance with (Rule 19) DIRECTORS – PROCEDURE FOR ELECTION OF…CONSTITUTION (Victorian Police Legacy Scheme Incorporated), and following receipt of nominations to fill four (4) Director vacancies ‘not fewer than 30 days before the date fixed for the holding of the election’ (Rule 19.1.3) and in accordance with (Rule 19.2) ‘If the number of nominations received is equal to the vacancies to be filled, the persons nominated shall be deemed to be elected’, advice is provided that the following nominees are ‘deemed to be elected’ for the term, as outlined: -
Proxy Votes: - members wishing to appoint a proxy are advised that in accordance with (Rule 37.1) notice must be ‘given to the Secretary no later than three (3) days before the time of the meeting in respect of which the proxy is appointed’. Proxy Vote Forms are available at the bottom of this item
NOTE# Meeting attendance – MS Teams (online) available
Members of the Association wishing to attend the Annual General Meeting can do so in person or via Microsoft Teams by contacting the Secretary/ Chief Executive Officer, via email, and request a meeting invitation.
Enquiries can be directed to: Secretary/Chief Executive Officer Lex de Man AFSM, ph.: - 03 9663 4280
email: -