VPAL'S hit the ground running (err... riding) in Cambodia

Published: Wednesday 22 November 2023

Our Victoria Police Adolescent Legatees (VPALS's) have arrived in Cambodia and hit the ground running (err... riding), donating 40 bikes to a local Cambodian school. The group have enjoyed spending time in the classroom, delivering school supplies, and they've also spent time dancing with the local students.

Over the coming days, VPAL's will establish fresh water tanks and ablution facilities for underprivileged local villages near Angkor Wat. This construction project will provide much needed private space for children to toilet and wash themselves, and safe drinking water for those living in the villages.

Our VPAL's feel so privileged to be part of this once in a lifetime Rotary International 'World of Difference' Cambodia personal development, humanitarian experience, and we couldn't be any prouder of their efforts.