
14 / 05 / 2024

VPL sends a huge ‘THANKS’ to Run4Blue supporters

We're two weeks into Run4Blue and it's great seeing so many of you out and about supporting Victoria Police Legacy! A huge 'THANKS' to the many VPL supporters, police legatees, VPL Volunteers and VPL Ambassadors who have signed up.
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08 / 05 / 2024

Rutherglen RSL and Rutherglen Police Charity Golf Day raises $5,700 for VPL

A huge 'THANK YOU' to the Rutherglen RSL and Rutherglen Police for hosting this years ‘Victoria Police Legacy’ & ‘National Legacy’ Charity Golf Day which raised an outstanding $11,400 to be split between both charities.
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07 / 05 / 2024

VPL attend Wonthaggi Police Family Day

VPL were kindly invited to the Wonthaggi Police Family Day on Sunday 28th April where the Wonthaggi crew, led by Acting Sergeant Mick Fawcett, showcased the various units and teams running out of Wonthaggi and also, importantly, the welfare services available to members and their families.
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